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Aesop's Fables. (Collins Classics)
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Miễn phí vận chuyển lên tới 40,000đ khi mua từ Shopee Mall với tổng thanh toán từ một Shop là 150,000đ
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Đổi ý miễn phí 15 ngàyĐổi ý miễn phí 15 ngày
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Chi tiết sản phẩm
Nhập khẩu/ trong nước,Ngôn ngữ
Mô tả sản phẩm


KÍCH THƯỚC: 18 x 3 x 12 cm


TÁC GIẢ: Aesop

NHÀ XUẤT BẢN: HarperCollins Publishers

ISBN 13: 9780007902125

Aesop's Fables. (Collins Classics)

HarperCollins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics. 'It is thrifty to prepare today for the wants of tomorrow.' Living in Ancient Greece in the 5th Century BC, Aesop was said to be a slave and story-teller. His much-loved, enduring fables are revered the world over and remain popular as moral tales for children. With infamous vignettes, such as the race between the hare and the tortoise, the vain jackdaw, and the wolf in sheep's clothing, the themes of the fables remain as fresh today as when they were first told and give an insight into the Ancient Greek world.

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